

Apia is an opinionated framework for building HTTP APIs into a Ruby application. By following a strict approach to crafting your endpoints, Apia is able to generate a consistent schema describing every aspect of the API and thus can generate detailed and easy to use documentation for end users.

Why should I use Apia?

  • Clear and easy to understand DSL for implementing all aspects of the API.
  • Provide auto generated schemas describing your API.
  • Documentation can be generated automatically.

Key components of Apia

  • Apia - the framework for actually writing and serving APIs.
  • Apia Docs Generator - a utility for converting a Apia schema JSON file into beautiful interactive documentation.
  • Apia Schema Parser - a utility to parse an Apia schema in Ruby
  • Apia Insomnia - an extension to generate schema files compatible with Insomnia.

What do the docs look like?



There's even a dark mode!


Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Mon, Mar 18, 2024