Enums allow you to define a list options that might be returned for a field or provided as an argument.
Defining enums
class ExampleEnum < Apia::Enum
name 'Example enum'
description 'Something to describe what this enum actually is'
# Define all the possible values for this enum (along with a description if needed)
value 'active', 'An active widget'
value 'suspended', 'A suspended widget'
value 'inactive', 'An inactive widget'
# This is optional and allows you to do some processing on the value before it is
# compared with the list above and returned. For example, you might want to convert
# to a string and downcase the string.
cast do |value|
Returning enums
You don't need to do anything special when returning a value for use by an enum. Just make sure that the value you provide is included in the list of values for enum.