
Apia provides a framework for handling authentication through Authenticators. An authenticator is similar in so much as it allows you to define a block of code to excute before each endpoint.

Authenticators can apply to the whole API, to all endpoints in a controller or just to a specific endpoint.

Creating an authenticator

Begin by creating your authenticator. Below shows a simple example:

module CoreAPI
  class Authenticator < Apia::Authenticator

    name 'Main authenticator'
    description 'Allows authentication using an API token provided in an Authorization header'

    type :bearer

    potential_error 'InvalidAPIToken' do
      code :invalid_api_token
      description 'The API token provided in the Authorization header was not valid'
      http_status 403
      field :given_token, :string

    def call
      given_token_string = request.headers['Authorization'].sub(/\ABearer /, '')
      token = APIToken.authenticate(given_token_string)
      if token.nil?
        raise_error 'InvalidAPIToken', given_token: given_token_string

      request.identity = token


Let's take a look through this line by line:

  • Firstly, we define the name & description for the authenticator. This is used for documentation.
  • Next, we choose the type of authenticator. Apia only currently supports :bearer. This is only used for documentation purposes as well.
  • Then, we define a potential error that this authenticator might raise. In this case, the API token provided may be invalid and we'll raise that error.
  • Finally, we define the call method which will be invoked when the authenticator is used. This is responsible for setting the request.identity property or raising an error if authentication has failed. You don't have to set a request.identity if you don't wish (anonymous access?) but unless you raise an error in here the endpoint execution will continue.

Applying to the API

You most likely will want to make this authenticator apply to everything in the API. To do this, you need to reference it in your API:

module CoreAPI
  class Base < Apia::API

    authenticator Authenticator

    # ... routes, scopes etc...


Additionally, you can use different authenticators for different endpoints by definining an authenticator for any controller (to apply for all endpoints in the controller) or on the endpoint itself.

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